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Course Detective

Average Rating4.71
(based on 44 reviews)

Various subject areas and age groups from health and social care, childcare to forest school. www.coursedetective.co.uk




Various subject areas and age groups from health and social care, childcare to forest school. www.coursedetective.co.uk
Supporting Teaching and Learning in schools, STLS childcare pack

Supporting Teaching and Learning in schools, STLS childcare pack

Excellent range of resources to support STLS teaching and learning in schools, can also cross reference to childcare and health and social care. Included are eye catching power points such as equality and diversity, a values activity, introduction to the role of a teaching assistant, hand out on how to review, session plans and more. These can be used to support CACHE/ City and Guilds/ and so on. Whether you teach/ train/ assess or a student looking for study help, these resources are great!
CPD/ Training pack- forest school inspired including technology outdoors

CPD/ Training pack- forest school inspired including technology outdoors

5 Resources
This super bundle contains an editable Maters level presentation- integrating technology into the outdoors, exploring the curriculum. A forest school villagers pack, muddy bundles signs, outdoor preschool presentation and a technology outdoors magazine! Practitioners could share ideas from a training session in order to benefit the children and setting, it could also be utilised to encourage parents to see the benefits of outdoor learning, including technology. ***A 40% off bundle!***
Muddy bundles signs for outoors

Muddy bundles signs for outoors

What can you find sign Picture of possible resources Cake mud play sign Get crafty sign Could be used as part of a display about outdoor area
Digital Presentation; How the outdoor aspect of Knowledge and Understanding of the world can be supp

Digital Presentation; How the outdoor aspect of Knowledge and Understanding of the world can be supp

This is a Masters level presentation containing 24 slides. This is an editable power point presentation. It explores perceptions of technology, debates, internet safety, developmentally appropriate technology outdoors, Integrating technology into the outdoor elements of the national curriculum (within knowledge and understanding of the world) theorists views, information about devices and how they can be used in the outdoors and a reference list. This could be utilised on CPD training sessions, could assist with assignment study towards a an early years qualification and more. Practitioners could feedback to others in order to develop settings in this area.
Caring for Children

Caring for Children

This is a great resources, a whole Unit called Caring for children- containing a 44 page power point including learning opportunities to support; How knowledge of child development can contribute to the recognition of childrens care needs, child development norms, SMART targets, the role of the practitioner, engaging activities and more. This can be adapted to suit your class/ scheme of work/ plans/ childcare specification!
Speech and language booklet

Speech and language booklet

These are booklets to support students when studying about children's speech and language- Understand how to support positive speech, language and communication development for children and young people with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties
Risk and Challenge

Risk and Challenge

This includes a power point, lesson plan and fact finder sheet. This help students to; Engage in an information hunt activity about risk and challenge. Recognise key information about risk and challenge and outline what has been recognised using your factsheet. Compare and contrast the information that has been obtained. Useful for childcare/ childhood qualifications including; Degrees, CACH, Btec and more.
Childhood studies, play and development

Childhood studies, play and development

3 Resources
Full of engaging learning activities if you teach childcare/ early years. Contains work on theorists, play, investigation, UN Convention, child centred approach, routines and more. This would be a great learning tool if you are studying towards a degree in childhood studies too!
Play and the UN Convention

Play and the UN Convention

Explore aspects of the UN Convention, particularly; The Right to Play Evaluate how play can allow children to express themselves and feel free Convey your thoughts about how children might feel if they could not play Comprise a leaflet promoting play Will support CACHE/ Btec/ HND/ Foundation degree/ BA Honours in childhood studies
Lesson plans to teach about play, bundle of 3

Lesson plans to teach about play, bundle of 3

To explore the importance of play and consider and evaluate types, stages and theorists, also relate self identity to children’s. This can be used and adapted to suit the needs of your class. Pick and choose either the whole plans or aspects to suit your specification. Ideal for CACHE, HND, BA Honours in childhood studies.